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SP-B: Physical modelling and advanced microstructure examination

Coordinator:   M. Bertolus - CEA

SP Coordination team members:  L. Malerba - CIEMAT,
C. Pareige - CNRS

The Subprogramme B aims at providing knowledge, data and tools needed to interpret and extrapolate to real conditions the experimental results devoted to the qualification of various types of nuclear materials, as well as to assist in the elaboration of fabrication routes for innovative materials. The focus is on the understanding of the physical mechanisms that determine the evolution of the material under given conditions thanks to the development of physics-based models and the deployment of modelling-oriented experiments.

The build-up of this knowledge is crucial for the safe operation and design of all future nuclear installations. This is true for all the families or materials considered in the JPNM, e.g. metallic alloys and refractory materials for structural components, fuel cladding materials, nuclear fuel materials and materials for neutron control, in particular absorbers.

The current activities focus on metallic alloys and refractory materials for structural components and ceramics for nuclear fuel materials.
Atomic scale computer simulation of the interaction of a dislocation line with a dislocation loop in Iron-Chromium-Nickel alloy (A.V. Bakaev et al., J. Synch. Investig. 12, 783, 2018)

Events & News

Sunday, 00:00
Permanent call for EERA JPNM Travel/Training Grant applications
Online application
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