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Full & Associate members

What are full and associate members and what does this classification imply?

EERA members can be of two classes: full and associate members.

Being full member implies strong interest and engagement in the activities of EERA and specifically of the JP to which the organisation contributes, with the willingness and the possibility to provide support to the relevant activities. Full members have a representative in the steering committee, which is the decisional body of the joint programme, and can propose persons to be active in the management board.

Associate members are represented in the steering committee through a full member, with whom they are associated. However, for the rest they have access to the same services and benefits. The full member of choice may or may not be based in the same country.

All JPNM members pay fee to both the EERA association and the JPNM itself. In addition, if they are members of other JPs they may have to pay the fees of these JPs, as well (not all JPs apply fees).
The current fees are shown in the table below.


Full member

Associate member

EERA association

6000 €/yr

2000 €/yr


2000 €/yr

500 €/yr

Note that it is sufficient to be full member in one JP in order to be considered full member of EERA. However, a full member of EERA may also be associate member in a JP, if it is a full member in another JP.

Therefore, JPNM members may be paying three possible annual fee amounts (without counting fees that apply to other JPs):

Umbrella organizations follow special fee rules that are detailed in the EERA internal rules of procedure.

Events & News

Sunday, 00:00
Permanent call for EERA JPNM Travel/Training Grant applications
Online application
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