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International AMETIS School on Advanced Manufacturing for Energy and Transportation
When: Sunday 26-06-2022 00:00 - Friday 01-07-2022 00:00
Where: Taglio, France

The CEA-INSTN is organizing the 1st International School AMETIS on Advanced Manufacturing for Energy and Transportation aiming at promoting advances in the emerging processes and development of advanced materials used in different forms of low carbon energies and transportation at high education level.


It will be held from June 26 to July 1 in Taglio, France.


The courses are particularly designed for young researchers, PhD students, post-doctoral researchers and engineers, already having a Master’s degree in materials science and material engineering as a background.

This school will cover theoretical and technological concepts in materials processes related to 3D printing, nanomanufacturing and the latest generations of thin film deposition processes.

Visit the  AMETIS website for a detailed programme.



Online registration is mandatory for all participants via the AMETIS website.

The registration deadline is May 30, 2022.

10 Scholarships are allocated to finance the participation of foreign students in this school. Interested students will submit their request via the AMETIS website.


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