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Welding development and characterization

The objectives of GEMMA WP2 are to characterize welded components with respect to microstructure, to determine welding residual stresses, to establish test procedures and to derive reference material data on mechanical properties in air. In collaboration with WP1 and WP4, the aim is to provide recommendations for adapting and/or developing assessment procedures and Design Rules for welded components in liquid metal cooled nuclear reactors. The work is performed in support of the component design, safety assessments and licensing of European liquid metal cooled fast reactors: Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFR) demonstrator ASTRID (Advanced Sodium Technological Reactor for Industrial Demonstration), MYRRHA technology prototype for Lead-cooled Fast Reactors (LFR), and ALFRED demonstrator for LFR. Since AFCEN’s (Association Française pour les règles de Conception de construction et de surveillance en Exploitation des matériel des chaudières électroNucléaires) RCC-MRx Design Code has been chosen for the design of ASTRID, MYRRHA and ALFRED, the primary goal is to support the development of Design Rules for RCCMRx. The activities contribute towards the objective of EERA JPNM and CEN Workshop 64 to develop RCCMRx into a joint European code for all future European innovative nuclear installations.

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