NAS European Commission funded Enlargement Workshop

Materials resistant to extreme conditions for future energy systems


12-14 JUNE, 2017, Kyiv - UKRAINE


scope4 The Workshop is funded by the EU Enlargement & Integration Action (E&IAT) and co-organized by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU), and the Joint Programme on Nuclear Materials (JPNM) of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA).

The first objective of the Workshop is to discuss the state-of-the-art knowledge and on-going research and to identify the research needs concerning structural materials for future energy systems that are exposed to extreme operational conditions. Special emphasis will be on how to use R&D for engineering applications.

The second objective is to explore future collaboration opportunities between EU member states and target countries* both in terms of specific R&D projects, as well as in terms of collaboration mechanisms.
This Workshop will bring together scientists, engineers and managers from academia and industry representing different energy technologies to promote such integration as well representatives from the European Commission and national government organizations.


*Target countries are:

EU candidate and potential candidate countries (Albania, Turkey, Serbia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina)

H2020 Associate countries (Switzerland, Israel, Norway, Liechtenstein, Faroe Islands, Ukraine, Iceland, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Tunisia)





The workshop will be a 2.5 day event based on the oral presentations from the invited international lecturers, as well as oral presentations by participants and a poster session. The Workshop will have the following sessions:

  • Session 1: Overview of National and international Research programmes/projects
  • Session 2: High temperature assessment of components and materials
  • Session 3: Structural Materials Development for energy applications
  • Session 4: Irradiation damage
  • Session 5: Long-term Plant Operation
  • Session 6: Assessment of environmental impact
  • Session 7: Networking for collaboration between target countries and EU Member States

The first session will be an overview of national and international research projects and programmes including EU networks and national initiatives in the target countries covering different future energy system where structural components and materials are exposed to harsh conditions.

Each of the topical technical sessions (2- 5) will consist of keynote lectures by invited experts and oral presentations by the participants. The Poster Session will cover all topics.

The number of oral presentations will be rather limited and are expected to provide an overview of topics related to the different sessions whereas the Poster Session is meant for more detailed and specific research results. Basic research, as well as engineering applications, covering both experimental work and modelling are within the scope of the Workshop. Abstracts on industrial experience and future needs are also welcome.

The main objective of the networking Session, which concludes the Workshop, is to identify topics and mechanisms for collaboration between target country organizations and EU Member State.


scope scope3


Key Dates

Abstract submission and grant application 25.03.2017
Notification of abstract acceptance 15.04.2017
Announcement of grants 15.04.2017
Deadline for registration 01.05.2017
Workshop 12.06.2017- 14.06.2017


Relevant documents

Abstract & Grant Application form
Registration form
Abstract template
Venue map
Form for Chernobyl visit
Poster format